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True Storytelling Workshop: 3 Week Course

In these fun and intimate workshops, we will share stories, play games, work with pace, structure, performance, voice and other storytelling techniques in small groups where you will connect with others and share experiences with lots of feedback and support.

Everyone will leave having created and performed their own 5-8 minute story.

“Your workshop was terrific and your energy inspired and fun, which helped put me at ease and go with the flow. It was well constructed and I liked the way the exercises gradually built on the key points to create great stories”
Cherry Campbell

It will be split over 3 sessions and we begin with eliciting stories from your own life, getting comfortable with telling stories, opening up and what makes a great story. We then move on to crafting a story you’re ready to work on, finding themes, creating great openings and endings for maximum impact, pace, structure and other techniques and finally on to practice, pace, voice techniques and performance as you hone your final tale ready for a performance to the group.

*Anything to Prep/Do Before the Workshop: *
Bring an object that means something to you.
Also write down any stories that pop into your head including anecdotes or seemingly innocuous incidents as everyone will eventually be working on one story throughout the workshop and this process might help you think of one before we begin.

Sunday 25th January
Sunday 1st February
Sunday 8th February